Top 10 Features That Make Your Online Food Delivery App Standout.

Sitting at home or office, clicking a buy, and getting it delivered where you are- looks and feels very easy and comfortable.

Online food delivery apps became a lifesaver for many during the lockdown period, and many adapted to online delivery systems as an option to live a safe life. But do you know that to deliver a seamless food experience, you need to have some intelligent features in your online delivery app?

Let’s check out the top 10 features that make online food delivery apps stand out.

  • Registration & Login

Restaurants can register using social media accounts or email accounts, share their profile ( name and address), menu offerings, prices, offers, etc. After registration, you can start receiving orders from customers.

If the registration process is too long or time-consuming, customers consider ordering using other apps. Therefore the registration process should be easy, and sign-in with a single tap or click.

  • Search

‘Search’ is a crucial feature in a food delivery app that gives more convenience to your customers and saves time. After login, the user searches for restaurants or food items. Your app should have a smart list featuring restaurants and cuisines by location, food types, food preferences, etc from diverse nationalities that results in quick order.

  • Push notifications

There are many food delivery apps available online today. Sending push notifications is the best way to gain visibility among rivals. Push notifications are used to inform customers about discounts, special offers, and location-based order messages. You can grab customers’ attention immediately. Remember, push notifications shouldn’t be a sales pitch, but they should provide value to customers.

  • Discount Programs, Cashback, and Loyalty Programs

For a business to win, it is important to attract potential customers. That is why most organizations lay great emphasis on their reward points. Coupons and special offers are the most effective ways to attract new users to the app. Generous discounts keep clients interested.

  • Real-Time Tracking

Keeping your customers updated about their delivery is one of the best features which a delivery app can have. Live tracking the location of the driver showing the exact time to reach the destination.

  • Easy Mode of Payment

Payment is the final step in the order placement process. Consumers will not try your app if a minor issue occurs during the payment process. 

The funding options listed should be highly productive, simple, and secure. You can also add promo or voucher codes that draw customers towards your app. 

  • Review Order History

The order history feature allows users to place the same order again and again. The user can click to place the same order again without wasting time searching dishes and restaurants. 

  • Personalization

This feature helps to track and analyze the user’s activities and recommend services and products based on consumers’ behavior. Thus a relationship is built between you and your customer helping retail users by catering to what they need rightly. 

  • Chatbot Integration

Chatbot gives your customers suggestions on meals to eat daily. This service can be used to provide personal service. Chatbots not only answer basic questions but help users in finding what they want.

  • Reviews and Ratings

Getting feedback is the best way to get insights and improve applications. It is also crucial to get constant reviews to stay updated in the market.

The online food delivery business is expanding strongly. It’s time to set your business direction in the right way by holding factors like convenience, easiness, and safety according to the consumers’ needs. If you are searching for the right counterpart then start your journey with Daily Store – For a Total Retail Makeover (

Deal your online food delivery with Moonhive’s HomeWay.

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