The Rising E-Commerce Trend- Voice Search

How often have you come across a guy in the street speaking to his gadget to search the net or to show him the direction to the nearest grocery shop? You may have heard them start with an awakening” Hi Siri, hi Alexa, Ok Google or hi Bixby” to the device, which immediately responds to the following command by its owner. Voice search is the new trend, taking the search engines on fire. Voice search assistants are taking over search engines as it minimizes the time and stress of having to look for keys to type. Consumers using voice search to shop online, order food, and organize their lives is on a steady rise. If you own an online business, it’s something that you cannot skip. The success and sustenance of any Online business now relies heavily on how well they incorporate voice assistants to their digital and E-commerce ventures.


Voice Search and Its Influence


Methods of online search have changed tremendously. Most of the smart gadgets now have embedded sensors for voice search. Voice search is the digital action where a user conveys his search phrase or command to his smart device, and the device answers or fulfils the demand. Based on statistical projections the popularity of voice search will dominate the digital marketing and Ecommerce space for the coming decades. As per SERPWATCH, a big data company, more than 50% of smartphone users use voice assistants to do their searches. This fact emphasizes the need for Online vendors to contact the best digital marketing company to figure out great content, and optimize keywords according to popular command phrases.


How Voice Search Works

•  Users command the voice search device (“Alexa, Siri, Ok Google”) with key phrases followed by the question.

• Voice assistants process and transcribe human speech into text.

• Analyses texts, detecting questions or commands.

•  Connects to search engines to find relevant information.

• Translates the data and fulfils the user’s intent.


Voice Search and Its Importance in E-Commerce

• Personalized shopping Experience /Smart Shopping

 Every person has different tastes. Voice search offers personalized shopping experiences and smart shopping with the use of personal recommendations. For example, a customer purchases daily through DAILY STORE and orders them through Alexa. The voice assistant can suggest items based on their purchase history and can repeat orders, thus making the task easier and smarter.

• Easy Review

 Typing long feedback and collecting reviews has been a time-consuming task. But with voice search, sharing feedback has been easy and convenient. Voice assistants ask specific questions and ratings, making the review more meaningful and genuine.

• No Delay

 On average, a person types 30 to 35 words per minute, whereas a voice search can process 100 words per minute. It shows voice search allows you to communicate fast and effectively. You can also shop on the go even while engaged in other chores.


Voice Search and Its future


Voice search is massively helping brands and retailers interact with their consumers in a new and innovative way and has redefined the shopping experience. Consumers like the convenience, speed, and ability to multitask. The development of voice search technology has provided user interfaces that are high quality and easy to access for all age groups, giving it a mass and wider appeal. Every tech giant is coming on board with voice assistant technology in the mainstream. The speed and convenience of voice search have turned it into a trustworthy digital marketing trend.


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