Branding, Marketing & Web Application
PL Manufacturing : Website for Selling PremiumQuality Spices and Coconut Oil
01 Introduction
PL Manufacturing, a Singapore-based company, selling authentic products, such as spices and coconut oil, sourced from Kerala, also known as “God’s Own Country.” Established in 2022, the company is known for the quality of its products delivered in Singapore.
Business challenges
- Lacked a portal to start their business online
- A digital platform Enhance their business
- Limited customer reach
- Restricted space for marketing and promotion
02 Solutions
Since PL Manufacturing focused on exporting authentic spices from Kerala and selling them across Singapore, it was not an easy task initially. Teaming up with Moonhive established an entry point for PL Manufacturing to get into the digital world and boost their business. Our team carefully studied the client’s requirements and what their targets were before getting into development.
The company wanted a website that was not only user-friendly but also reflected the authenticity of their products. The team made sure that the theme of the website was in sync with their products. The team of designers got together to design the company’s logo as well.
03 Results
Our efforts have paid off, as we have designed a website that is not only easy to navigate but also includes all the essential features that PL Manufacturing needed to expand its customer services into the digital realm. The popularity of their products has soared across Singapore, resulting in an unprecedented surge in their sales figures.
04 Conclusion
It is proven that for any business, a digital presence is essential for growth and expansion across places and people. The website has been a game changer for PL Manufacturing, providing a platform to showcase the authenticity and quality of their products to a wider audience.